Tuesday, January 10, 2012

If the man who told me that I am not normal for telling a girl what I wanted to do?

and that the police sometimes make mistakes, knows the difference between mistakes and persecution? Well first let me tell u that I find normality somewhat of a bore. The girl also was not normal as she squatted down in the park with see throughs on a nd gave me a full frontal I simply reacted to this. Basic Psychology, stimulous response. She then went on to report me to the police , stand up in court in front of three old grannies and lied her face off. Saying that I touched her on the arm. I got six months five years register and lots of **** which I have now had enougfh of taking? She also went on to do the same thing again to another guy a few weeks later. I have a problem with the country that pes a law allowing this type of abuse. It is a im ballance O.K. I know that the ballance in the past has been in the opposite direction but we cannot replace aone failure with yet another. The wrongful bias must be stopped. We have to move forward on this together bopth male an female, otherwise we are just gonna stay in a spin? Now the police do do a good job in the U.K. in general. I guess that 98 % of them are men of honesty and integrity but some are not? Her follows a few instances of the latter after which I invite u to comment to me once agin about mistakes? A police D.C. in Breeton st notts about fifteen years ago, questioned me for some reason. He came in from the charge room and said 4Look what I have done7 he showed me a paper with An Act Of Gross Indecency With A Child wriiten on it. I did not realise what he had done. Nothing had taken place, That l diliberate premeditated lie went on my list of pre cons and off to Eiuropol for the next Twelve years b 4 I realised and got it taken off( apparently) by the home ffice. Years later I found that agaiun I had been lied to and it had not. I now have had a letter from the home office saying that now it is off. But is it; I dont know , is it off europe files I am about to find out via a solicitor. This in my opi,nion is not an error as the Office termed it but an act of attempt to cause manslaughter. A few years after this charge was entered I and Two girls I was with where attacked outside of a club down by the river in notts and I got a crack from behind with a ring that knocked me over and got twelve stitches in the eye. The girls got a few slaps. By heroes from the same estate as the policeman operated from ? Co-incidence huh! It all started when I was fifteen when a park policeman in Birkenhead got out of his car in Bhead park and attacked me got a few slaps bitten by his mut and charged with an ault that I did not do? Got a bad judge and got sent down for the first time. I did not do it? Yers on,,,, I had to come back to the U.K. from Amsterdam to the U.K. to get a replacement pport. I was arrested in the pport office and charged with failure to comply with offender reqyuirments. In the court the police prosecutopr perjured himself and said' In fact this man cannot even prove that he evr left the country. I got sent down. On appeal ,after one month of abuse and solitary, I went to crown court and told the judge what I could. In the cells below b 4 the start . Two police came into the cell and roughed me up calling me names ect ect. I got control of myself and the judge said that ' Thids man is obviously not guilty� I got out , got my pport and ran away from u lot once agin? Now I find that it is a E.C.H.R. protocol that I MUST be paid compensation for this but I cannot for years, get a solicitor to act for me. I will continue on a new answer in a few mins?

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